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“I am worthy of love. I deserve to be loved.”
Best Self Love Manifestation Affirmations
“I am worthy of receiving the love that I desire.”
“I am surrounded by love from all directions.”
“The more love I give, the more I receive.”
“The manifestation of my dreams is in perfect alignment with my highest good and highest expression.”
“My life is filled with love and joy!”
“I love myself and I deserve to be loved by others.”
“I am worthy of a loving relationship.”
“I am loved by so many people in my life, even if I don’t realize it.”
“I am worthy of love and respect from others.”
“I deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion.”
“I am deserving of all good things that come my way.”
“It is safe for me to love myself fully because my worth comes from who I am on the inside, not what I look like on the outside.”
“My self worth is not defined by the opinions or actions of others towards me but rather by how I treat myself.”
I am worthy of love and belonging.
My worthiness is not dependent upon anyone else or anything else. It is inherent in me.
I am worthy of being loved and accepted just as I am, right now.
I am good enough for whatever I want to attract into my life.
I am deserving of all my desires being fulfilled in every area of my life.
I deserve only the best from myself and from others around me.
I am worthy of love and abundance.
I am a magnet for love and prosperity.
I am prosperous, abundant, and happy with my life.
I appreciate myself and what I have.
My health is improving every day.
I am grateful for my life and all that it has to offer me.
I have a positive attitude about life and everything in it.
The best self love manifestation affirmations are ones that you can say to yourself and truly believe. They should be positive statements about yourself and your body that are specific, realistic and attainable.
The first step in creating a positive relationship with yourself is to recognize that everyone has flaws. You may be self-conscious about a certain feature of your appearance or personality, but there are millions of people in this world who would give anything to have your flaw.
In addition to appreciating what you do have, it’s important to accept what you don’t like about yourself and not try to change it. If you have naturally curly hair, don’t fight it by straightening it every day with chemicals and hot irons — let it curl! If you’re short, don’t wish for long legs — instead, wear high heels or wedges so you appear taller!
If you feel as though something about yourself needs improvement or correction, make an appointment with a professional for an unbiased opinion on the matter or consult friends who will tell you the truth (not out of cruelty but because they care about how you feel).
“I am worthy”
“I am enough”
“I love myself”
“I am a child of God”
“I am beautiful”
“I am happy today”
“I have everything I need to live a joyful life!”
I am worthy of love.
I am a beautiful person, inside and out.
I love myself, and I’m grateful for the love I receive from others.
I deserve to be happy.
I deserve to be loved and respected by others.
My needs are important and deserve to be met in a healthy way.
“I love myself completely and utterly.”
“I am a divine being of light.”
“I am worthy of love and respect.”
“I am beautiful inside and out.”
“I am at peace with all that is.”
“I have the power to create my life just as I wish it to be.”
“My dreams are coming true on schedule, in divine time for me.”
“All is well in my world. My mind, body, soul and spirit are in perfect alignment with God’s plan for me.”
Self love is one of the most important things in life. If you don’t love yourself, it’s really hard to be happy and love other people.
But what does it mean to love yourself? The simple answer is that self love means respecting yourself and treating yourself with kindness. You should treat yourself as if you were your own child or best friend. You would never be mean or hurtful to those who you love, so why do it to yourself?
Self care is a big part of self love. Taking time for yourself to relax and unwind helps you recharge your batteries so that you can give more energy to the people around you when you need it most: when they need a listening ear, support or encouragement.
Here are some simple ways to show yourself some love today:
Make a list of things that make you happy and things that bring joy into your life. Then do at least one thing from this list every day! This can be anything from taking a bubble bath with rose petals, watching a movie with popcorn or curling up with a book in bed
- I am worthy of love and happiness.
- I deserve to be happy today, tomorrow, and always.
- I am loved by many people in my life.
- The universe desires me to be happy and prosperous.
- The universe is conspiring to help me achieve my goals and dreams by bringing the right people into my life at the right time so that I may achieve them easily and effortlessly.
- I am a magnet for positivity, love, prosperity, joy and peace of mind.
- All things are possible with God and through Him nothing shall be impossible for me!
“I am worthy of love and abundance.”
“I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.”
“I deserve to be happy.”
“I am a good person and I deserve to be loved by myself as well as others.”
“I am grateful for this day, and I appreciate all the blessings in my life.”
I am worthy.
I am powerful.
I am beautiful.
I am radiant.
I am a masterpiece.
I love myself unconditionally.
I accept myself unconditionally.
My life is filled with joy and abundance, because I believe in myself and my abilities, and I know that when I take care of myself, the Universe will take care of me too!
I love myself, and I am worthy of love.
I deserve to be happy, and I deserve to be loved.
I choose to feel happy, confident, and good about myself.
Every single day I am becoming happier and more confident in my life.
I am grateful for all the positive changes that are happening in my life right now!
I am so happy with my life right now, and I know that it only gets better from here.
I am grateful for all the opportunities that have come into my life recently!
If you want to manifest something, the first step is to believe that it is possible.
This can be challenging. The voice of your mind will try to convince you that what you want doesn’t exist or that it’s too difficult. This is where affirmations come in handy
Affirmations are positive statements which help you to reprogram your subconscious mind and change your belief system.
When you use affirmations on a regular basis, they can help you to achieve your goals faster and more easily than any other method of self-improvement.
The best way to use them is by repeating them every day for at least 30 days in a row. You don’t have to repeat them all day long but writing them down on paper or repeating them out loud will help you get the most benefits from them
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Ask for what you want out loud! Do not hesitate to ask for big things. This works best when you are alone or in nature but sometimes even in public places if you feel comfortable enough to do so! There is no one watching over us but ourselves and our own inner voice telling us what we want or don’t want. So why let fear of rejection stop us from getting what we want?
This affirmation can help us overcome fear of failure so we can let go of our limiting beliefs about what we think we deserve or don’t deserve in life. I know that some people believe they don’t deserve happiness when they haven’t done anything wrong nor
“I am enough.”
“I love myself.”
“I am worthy of love.”
“I am beautiful inside and out.”
“I accept myself for who I truly am.”
“I am worthy of success and happiness.”
“My body is healthy and strong, and it will never fail me.”
“Every day in every way I am getting better and better.”
“I love and approve of myself today and every day.”
“I am a powerful being, radiating love to all who come into my life.”
“I am worthy of love, joy, and happiness.”
“The universe is my friend and full of abundance for me.”
“All is well in my world because I am willing to change what isn’t working for me.”
“I am good enough. I am smart enough. And doggone it, people like me!” – Marilyn Monroe
Positive affirmations are a great way to improve your self-esteem and remind yourself that you are worthy of love and happiness. These positive statements can be used as mantras throughout the day, or written down and placed around your home or office for daily inspiration.
Benefits of Positive Affirmations:
Help you to see yourself in a more positive light
Build self-confidence
Increase motivation to achieve goals
Create an overall happier outlook on life
Here are some positive affirmations to help you love yourself more.
- I am worthy of love and joy.
- I deserve to be happy and healthy.
- I am enough just as I am.
- I accept myself for who I am, with all my flaws and imperfections.
- My happiness is my birthright and it’s okay to want what I want in life.
- My body deserves respect and care from me so that it can heal itself from the inside out and stay healthy for a long time to come!
The best self love manifestation affirmations are the ones that you can incorporate into your daily routine. The more you say them out loud, the more you will believe them.
It is important to have a positive mindset when doing affirmations because they can change your life and the way you feel about yourself.
You can use any of these affirmations in your morning routine or before bed to make sure that you start your day off on a positive note.
Here are some of my favorite self love manifestation affirmations:
1) I am beautiful and worthy of love.
2) I am confident and capable of achieving great things in life.
3) I am smart and intelligent enough to overcome any obstacle in my path towards success.
4) I am successful at all times because I work hard to achieve my goals every single day!