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The Easter season is one of the most important dates on the Christian calendar.
Easter party activities for 6 year olds
It celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead after he was crucified by the Romans. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the northern hemisphere spring equinox..
Easter is a time for family to get together and celebrate, so it makes sense that you would want to plan an Easter party for your child’s friends. However, it can be hard to find fun activities for six-year-olds that are appropriate for both boys and girls. Here are some ideas for Easter party activities for six-year-olds:
- Make Easter baskets out of paper bags
- Play pin-the-tail on the donkey
- Make egg painting crafts
- Have an egg hunt in your backyard or inside your house
Easter is a favorite holiday for young children, as it’s filled with fun activities and treats. It’s also a great time to get together with family and friends. Here are some ideas for Easter party games and activities.
Egg Hunt: This is a classic Easter game that can be played by all ages, from the youngest toddler to the oldest grandparent. You’ll need baskets or other containers to hide the eggs in, along with an assortment of colorful plastic eggs that are large enough for toddlers to pick up but small enough not to cause injury if they’re accidentally dropped on someone’s foot. Place an egg in each container, then have your little ones go looking for them! Make sure you have plenty of time set aside for this activity so everyone can have fun finding their hidden treasures!
Older children can practice their fine motor skills by drawing pictures on plain white paper with markers or crayons before coloring them in with colored pencils or markers (either store-bought or homemade). Younger kids might need some help drawing the outlines of their pictures first, unless they’ve already mastered writing letters independently. Then let everyone color away! Have younger children use washable markers so there won’t be any worries about accidental spills or messes
When planning a party for your child, try to make it unique. If you are looking for Easter party activities for 6 year olds, here are some ideas that will help you to plan a fun party.
Easter Party Activities for 6 Year Olds
Here are some great Easter party activities for 6 year olds:
Decorate the house with bunnies and eggs. Set up an Easter basket hunt where your child can find Easter eggs around the house and fill them with candy or small toys.
Have an egg toss in your backyard or in the park – use plastic eggs and let kids try to get as many of them as they can in a bucket at the other end of the yard (or park). This is also a great way to practice throwing without having any risk of hurting someone else! You can also play this game with water balloons instead of plastic eggs if you want something more challenging!
Play hide-and-seek using Easter baskets instead of counting sheep! Hide baskets around the house (or outside) and see how long it takes the kids to find each one – whoever finds all of them first wins! If you want a more active version of this game, have each child take off their shoes so they can enjoy more.
Easter party activities for 1st graders
Easter is a fun time of year, and it’s the perfect excuse to throw a special event for your child’s friends. Here are some ideas for Easter party activities for 1st graders.
Make an Easter egg hunt using plastic eggs filled with candy or small toys. Hide them around the house, then let the kids search for them. Hide some on the front porch or in the backyard if you have one. Once everyone finds their eggs, have them open them up and see what’s inside. If you want to make it more challenging, hide some eggs that have no candy inside, but something else like stickers or other small toys.
Serve some sort of Easter meal, such as ham and potato salad or hot dogs with ketchup and mustard (to keep things simple). If you don’t mind taking up space in your freezer, buy frozen pizza dough and make homemade pizzas instead of buying store-bought ones that may be high in fat and sodium content.
Make an Easter egg hunt using plastic eggs filled with candy or small toys. Hide them around the house, then let the kids search for eggs.
Easter egg hunt
Easter egg hunt is a fun activity that can be done with kids of all ages. It’s great fun to hide the eggs and then see how excited they get when they find them. It’s also a good time for parents to help out, teaching their children how to look for clues and solve problems.
Easter egg hunt can be done in parks or backyards and every child gets a chance to find all the special eggs hidden just for them!
Easter party games
Easter party games are a great way to keep kids entertained on this special day. There are many different types of Easter party games available online at sites like Amazon, eBay and Walmart but we find that our own homemade Easter party games work best! Here are some of our favourites:
Catch the Egg
This game is great for older kids (and even adults!). We split up into two teams and give each team an egg. The object of the game is for one person from each team to pass the egg through as many people as possible without dropping it on the floor. The last person who has possession of the egg wins! This game can be played indoors or outdoors depending on weather conditions at
Easter is a magical time, and there are so many fun activities that can be done with the kids to celebrate. Easter party activities for 6 year olds are perfect for kids who are learning about spring and all of its beauty. You can have an egg hunt, make Easter baskets for your children, and even make some Easter crafts!
Here are some great ideas for what to do at your child’s Easter party:
Egg Hunt
Make an egg hunt out of these fun activities:
- Hide plastic eggs around the house or backyard
- Put one in each child’s Easter basket (or just put them in a basket together)
- Hide some inside small baskets or cups filled with candy and other treats (this will give you more time to hide them!)
- Hide eggs in places that require some searching to find them (such as under chairs)
Easter is the perfect time to celebrate the new life that comes with spring. It’s also a great time to celebrate your child’s birthday!
Here are some ideas for Easter party activities for 6 year olds:
- Egg hunt: Hide Easter eggs around your yard or house, and have your child search for them. You could hide plastic eggs, real eggs or chocolate eggs. You can make this activity more challenging by hiding the eggs higher up, in bushes or trees. Or you can make it easier by hiding them on the ground in plain sight.
- Bunny races: Sit down at a table with your child and cut out ears out of construction paper or cardstock for each person racing (you can make these ahead of time if you want). Place each person’s ear on top of their head and use masking tape to secure it there. Then give everyone a roll of toilet paper (or tissue paper) and have them race from one end of the table to the other while holding their ears up high so they don’t fall off! The first person to reach the finish line wins a prize!
Looking for Easter party activities for 6 year olds? Celebrate the holiday with these fun ideas!
For our Easter celebration, we had a combination of adults and kids, so we split up into two groups. One group made the bunny nests and painted eggs while the other group colored eggs for decorating. It was a lot of fun to see both groups working together on their projects.
The bunny nests were easy enough for my 3 year old, but they were also fun enough for my 6 year old to help with too! We used empty paper towel rolls and tissue paper to make the nests. The tissue paper makes it really easy because it’s already fringed at the edges.
We just wrapped it around our paper towel rolls, then folded down the top to make it look like a little house. We used pipe cleaners to add ears on top of them as well. Then we decorated them with stickers and markers for bunnies feet, eyes etc… A lot of people choose to add flowers in their nests too which looks very pretty!
They turned out so cute and I think everyone loved them!
My 6 year old loves art projects so she was excited about painting her own eggs too!
When it comes to Easter parties, we want to make sure our kids have a great time. And we’d like them to have something special to talk about for the rest of their lives. We want them to remember the fun they had at their first Easter party.
So we’ve put together some great ideas for Easter party activities that will be sure to entertain and delight your child’s friends and family members. Many of these ideas can be used at home or at an outside venue such as a park or community center.
Here are some ideas for Easter party activities:
Egg hunt – An Easter egg hunt is an all-time favorite for kids. We’ve found that the best way to organize an egg hunt is to break up into teams so everyone can participate equally. If you have enough eggs, you can even have two separate hunts, one for each age group. This is also a great time to give out prizes like stickers or candy.
Basket toss – Another fun game that’s easy to set up is a basket toss game where players try to throw balls into baskets while blindfolded (or with an eye patch). You’ll need some kind of basket or container that’s large enough for balls and small enough so players must use their hands.
Easter is a time for family, friends and fun! Easter party activities for 6 year olds can be simple, but they don’t have to be boring. Whether you are celebrating with friends or the whole family, these ideas will help you make this Easter egg hunt the best one yet!
Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for Kids
1) Egg Hunt at Home
The simplest way to plan an Easter egg hunt for kids is to hide some plastic eggs around your house. This idea is great because it allows you to use all of your creativity when decorating the eggs. You can include puzzles and games on them too, so it doesn’t feel like just another hunt.
2) Make Your Own Bunny Snacks
Your children will love making their own bunny snacks at home! You can make chocolate chip cookies shaped like Easter bunnies or even make cupcakes in the shape of them too! You could also try making them into an edible craft with frosting or melted chocolate that they can decorate themselves with sprinkles or M&Ms!
3) Play Games While Waiting For The Eggs To Hatch
While waiting for the eggs to hatch in real life (or not), why not play some games? There are many games that involve hiding easter eggs, easter items.