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Easter is just around the corner! What better way to spend your holiday than at home with your family and friends? Here are some fun things to do for Easter at home.
Fun things to do for Easter at home
Host an egg hunt: If you have children or grandchildren, an egg hunt is always a great time. You can hide eggs in the house or yard, or have one person hide them while everyone else looks for them.
Decorate a cake: Easter cakes are usually decorated with pastel colored frosting and jelly beans. If you don’t want to make a cake from scratch, there are plenty of pre-made ones available in grocery stores. Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, try making your own!
Decorate your house: Choose one room in your house and decorate it with Easter decorations like eggs and bunnies. Make sure that each room has something different so that when people walk through the house they’ll see something new each time they enter another room!
Play games: Easter is all about celebrating springtime so why not play some outdoor games? Try playing croquet or horseshoes with friends and family members on this fun holiday weekend!
Easter is just a week away, so if you haven’t finished your Easter basket yet, now’s the time! If you want to do something special with the kids this year, check out these fun things to do at home for Easter.
- Make edible nests.
- Decorate eggs with shaving cream and candies.
- Play hide-and-seek in the backyard (if it’s not raining).
- Play a game of Duck, Duck, Goose on the grass or in the house (if it’s raining).
- Have an Easter egg hunt in your backyard or living room (if it’s raining).
You don’t have to go far to find the perfect Easter activities for your family. Here are some great ideas for fun things to do at home with your family this Easter:
Make Easter baskets. You can use baskets you already have or buy some new ones. Fill them with candy and small toys and other fun items.
Have an egg hunt. Hide eggs around your yard or house and have everyone search for them. Use a basket or bag so that everyone can put their eggs in when they find them, instead of running back and forth with each egg.
Play Pass the Bunny. This is a game where one person tries to pass a stuffed bunny to another person without using their hands or arms while the other players try to tackle them before they get the bunny passed over the line between two players. The first person who makes it across wins the game!
Decorate Easter eggs together as a family activity. You can use just about anything from crayons and markers to stickers, glitter, buttons and more! Make sure you cover your table or work surface with newspaper so that any messes can be easily cleaned up before moving on to your next project!
Easter is a time for family, fun and food! Here are 12 fun things to do at home for Easter.
- Give each family member an Easter basket with candy, toys and stuffed animals inside it.
- Make Easter egg crafts like these DIY Easter egg baskets or this paper mache nest.
- Play an Easter egg hunt game (like these easy games).
- Make a bunny cake or cupcakes like these ones that are too cute!
- Decorate your house with Easter wreaths and other decorations like these cute ones from Target!
- Have an Easter egg hunt outside (with this free printable game) or inside (with this printable game).
- Fill up some plastic eggs with different items like candy, money, notes and more for a fun spin on the traditional Easter egg hunt!
- Play games like Ring Toss (this one is from Dollar Tree) or Pin the Tail on the Bunny (this one is from Amazon).
- Go on an Easter egg scavenger hunt — check out this free printable activity sheet to get started!
- Make a basket of snacks and drinks for your family to enjoy while watching
- Make a bunny cake
- Have an egg hunt
- Play with bubbles
- Go on a nature walk
- Eat chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks
- Play with play dough or silly putty
Easter is the perfect time to spend with family and friends, but sometimes you just want to stay at home. If that sounds like you, here are some fun things to do for Easter at home:
- Plan a party for your family and friends
- Make decorations for the house
- Have an egg hunt in the house or backyard
- Bake cookies and cupcakes
- Play with your pets
Easter is a time for family and friends to gather together and celebrate spring. There are many ways to make Easter an enjoyable experience. Here are some fun things to do with your family at home on Easter:
Play games & activities – Games and activities can be a fun way to involve the whole family in celebrating Easter. They are also good ways of bringing up topics that might be sensitive or difficult to talk about.
- Make an Easter basket for each family member with candy, toys and other treats inside. You can also fill them with other goodies such as books, magazines, DVDs or CDs.
- Plan a scavenger hunt around the house or yard for everyone to participate in together. This can be as simple as hiding colored eggs around your property for everyone to find and look for clues leading them to the next one! You could even have fun with this by having them find clues related to something like a Bible verse or even just little poems written on paper inside each egg that they find!
- Play hide-and-seek outside where you can hide behind trees or bushes while the other players try to find you using only their sense of hearing (no peeking!). Or if it’s raining out then play inside by placing various objects around your home that
The Easter holiday is a time to spend with your family and friends. It’s also a time to relax and enjoy the good food, beautiful weather and sunshine we all love so much.
Here are some fun things you can do at home this Easter:
- Make an Easter basket for each member of your family. Put in some chocolate eggs, jelly beans, marshmallow peeps and other treats that they like. You can even put in something special just for them like an apple or orange.
- Make sure you have plenty of snacks ready for when people come over. Make sure you have lots of fruit, chips and dip, pretzels and other snacks that will be easy for them to eat without having to worry about utensils or dishes. You can even make up some special drinks such as lemonade or iced tea to go with those snacks!
- If there’s something special about this year’s Easter (like it being your son’s first Easter) then consider making a scrapbook with pictures from previous years’ celebrations so they’ll remember how much fun they had during their first Easter celebration!
Easter is a time of celebration and family fun. Here are some ideas for celebrating the holiday at home with your family.
- Make Easter egg dye
Use this simple recipe to make your own colorful Easter egg dye. You can use natural ingredients like onion skins or coffee grounds to add color to the water, or select from a wide variety of commercial dyes available at craft stores.
- Decorate eggs
Eggs are a traditional symbol of springtime and rebirth — so decorate them with bright colors and patterns, or paint them in a variety of designs. You can also try cracking your eggs open and hollowing out the insides before filling them with goodies like jelly beans, chocolates or little toys. You can even use old eggshells as molds by pouring melted chocolate into them or coating them in paint before filling them up with colored sand or other materials that will eventually harden into solid objects inside your eggshells!
- Play hide-and-seek
One of the most popular Easter games is hide-and-seek, where one person hides while everyone else counts out loud until they find him or her! This game can be played with adults and children alike — just make sure that everyone knows where
The Easter season is a time for family and friends to gather and celebrate. Whether you are hosting or attending an Easter party, there are several things you can do to make the most of your time together.
Easter egg hunt
Decorating eggs is not just for children; adults can enjoy the activity as well. Have your guests bring their favorite colored eggs and let them decorate them with paint, markers and stickers. You can create an egg hunt by hiding them in various locations around your house or property. Give participants a map so they know where to look for their eggs.
Bible study
If you have a big family, it’s easy to lose touch with some of your relatives during the year as they move away or start new lives. But Easter is a good time to reconnect with those who live far away and catch up on their lives over the phone or Skype video chat service. You could also invite them over for dinner or have everyone come over at once for a Bible study session where everyone reads from the same passage in the Bible at the same time, then discuss what they learned from it afterward. This could be an effective way to strengthen relationships between family members who rarely get together because of distance or other reasons