This is the time of year when most people make New Years resolutions. Some people want to lose weight, others want to get healthier, some want to be more productive at work and some even want to quit smoking.
I think that making a resolution is a good thing. It helps you set goals for yourself and gives you something to work towards. But I also think that it’s important not to get too hung up on your resolutions.
If you don’t achieve them, it’s okay! Don’t beat yourself up over it. Just try again next year and do better!
New Years Resolutions are a time-honored tradition, but they don’t always work. If you’re looking for a way to keep yourself motivated this year, check out these helpful tips.
- Make your resolution specific and measurable.
- Make your resolution realistic and attainable.
- Make your resolution internal and personal (i.e., don’t make it about other people or things).
- Make sure that your resolution is clear, concrete, and well-defined with a time frame attached to it (e.g., “I will eat three healthy meals per day”).
Unique new year’s resolutions
- Get a journal and write down your goals.
- Make a list of things you want to do this year.
- Think of why you want each goal, so that when times get tough, you’ll remember the reasons why you’re trying so hard in the first place!
- Write down a list of all the things that have made you happy in the past (ex: the time my friend gave me flowers!) and what makes you happy now (ex: going on walks with my dog). This will help remind you how much good there is in life!
- Read other people’s New Year’s Resolutions posts, because it can be fun to see what everyone else has planned for themselves!
- Lose weight
- Get fit
- Quit smoking
- Stop drinking so much alcohol
- Learn a new language, like Spanish or French
- Get my finances in order and start saving more money than I spend each month
- Stop spending so much money on clothes, shoes and other things I don’t really need but want because they look good on me or make me feel good about myself (and then hide them in the back of my closet until they are no longer necessary).
- Start going to the gym regularly and working out with weights and machines as well as cardio exercises such as running on the treadmill and elliptical machine (or whatever it’s called).
- I will lose weight by going to the gym at least 3x a week and eating healthier.
- will save more money by cutting out unnecessary expenses and putting the money in an emergency fund.
- I will take better care of my health and spend more time with family and friends.
- I will volunteer more at church, school, or community events.
- Learn something new (language, sport, instrument, etc.)
- Eat healthier
- Exercise more
- Do a 5K race (or walk)
- Learn to code/programming
- Learn something new everyday
- Make an effort to be happier every day
- Travel more
- Get rid of toxic people in your life
- Drink more water
- Workout five times a week
- Be more mindful of what I eat
- Read one book every month (a classic)
- Check my phone less frequently in the morning and at night
- Spend more time with my family (and not let work get in the way)
- Get a dog
- I will stop procrastinating.
- I will work on my project as soon as possible.
- I will get more sleep and exercise regularly.
- I will cook more meals from scratch, instead of eating out all the time!
- I will start living frugally and save up for a vacation in a new year!
- Spend more time with God/Jesus Christ (if you’re religious)
- Start a savings account and put some money in it each month — even if it’s just $10 or $20 — so that by the end of the year you’ll have some money to spend on something fun (maybe even during spring break).
- Read for pleasure, not just for schoolwork (and read things that will actually challenge you).
What are the top 10 New Year resolutions?
A new year brings with it the opportunity to set goals, make resolutions and start fresh. The most popular New Year’s resolutions are fitness-related, weight loss being at the top of the list. Here are the top 10 New Year resolutions:
- Lose weight
- Get organized
- Spend less, save more
- Get a better job
- Quit smoking/drinking/drugs/food pornography
- Be a better person/parent/spouse/friend
- Live life to the fullest
- Read more books and learn something new every day
- Get fit
- Spend less money and save more money for retirement or a vacation home!
What are popular New Year’s resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that many people enjoy. It’s a time to look back on the past year and determine what you will do differently in the future, whether it’s losing weight, quitting smoking or spending more time with family.
Some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions include:
- Losing weight
- Quitting smoking
- Spending more time with family
- Improving your finances (saving money, paying off debt)
- It’s time for another year of New Year’s resolutions. But what are the most popular resolutions?
According to Statista, here are the top five New Year’s resolutions :
1. Lose weight
2. Be healthier
3. Get organized
4. Spend less money and save more money
5. Be more social
New Year’s resolutions are a time-honored tradition, but they’re not always successful. In fact, you may be setting yourself up for failure by making these four common resolutions:
Resolution: Lose weight
Why it’s doomed to fail: This is the most popular resolution each year, so it’s no wonder that people struggle with it. You can’t simply eat less and exercise more and expect to lose weight. A proper diet and exercise plan will help you achieve your goals, but you need to make sure that it fits into your lifestyle.
Resolution: Spend less time on social media
Why it’s doomed to fail: Social media is here to stay, so don’t try to eliminate it from your life completely. Instead of focusing on how much time you spend on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, set aside specific times during the day when you can check in with friends and family members via this medium. If you find yourself feeling anxious about not being able to check in with others at all times of day, then consider using an app like Moment or Forest that helps curb smartphone use.
The New Year is a time for fresh starts and self-improvement. But instead of making resolutions that you’re not going to keep, try focusing on what you can do right now to make your life better.
Here are 10 easy ways to make the world a happier place:
- Eat mindfully
- Limit your social media use
- Be kinder to yourself (and others)
- Spend more time with family and friends
- Exercise more often
- Donate or volunteer your time
- Take some time off from work (or school)
- Sleep more/better/longer/less/frequently (whatever works for you)
- Meditate or pray more often than once a year — or at all!
- DO Bullet Journal
What are the 3 most common reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail?
The three most common reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail:
- Lack of motivation
- Lack of commitment
- Unrealistic goals
The most common reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail are:
Lack of motivation
Resolutions tend to be made on a whim, without much consideration or preparation. If you don’t feel motivated about your resolution or know what you are doing, it’s likely that you won’t stick with it for long.
Lack of commitment
Many people make New Year’s resolutions but don’t really commit to them. They often set goals that are too ambitious and unrealistic, only to give up quickly when things get hard.
No plan for success
Many people make a resolution without having any idea on how they will achieve it or keep track of their progress.