It’s summer, which means that it’s amusement parks, swimming pools, and summer camps galore. But with these fun social outings come the inevitable question: what should I wear?
If you’ve been to an amusement park before and looked around at everyone else in their jean shorts, t-shirts, and whatever other clothes they picked up from the laundry pile that morning, then you know that when it comes to choosing your outfit for a day out of fun in the sun and fresh air (wildly varying temperatures depending on where you’re going), there’s no one right answer—but there are definitely some wrong ones.
There are some basic “fashion don’ts” you can use as a starting point: wearing clothing made of cotton or denim is pretty much a guarantee that someone will be taking a picture of you with their phone while pointing at how out-of-place they think your outfit is. Additionally, if the temperature is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 °C), wearing shorts or short skirts is likely to cause people to either gawk at your legs (if they’re good) or pray for them (if they’re bad).
As long as you stay away from these fashion faux pas, though, you should be fine—and even better than fine; we’ve put together some tips that can help make sure your outfit not only fits comfortably but also makes sure everyone sees exactly how great you look!
Preparing for your next visit to an amusement park is as easy as knowing how to dress for the occasion. Choosing your outfit may seem daunting, but with a few simple tips, you’ll be ready to ride roller coasters and play games in no time.
First of all, ensure that your clothes are comfortable enough for you to move around in without stretching or straining anything important. Now’s not the time to experiment with stretchy fabrics or see how much room there is underneath the arms on that new top you just bought! Think jeans, leggings, yoga pants—basically any clothing you’d wear when going on a long bike ride or hiking trip. Shoes should offer good traction and protect against heat and dust (if applicable).
Also check the weather before heading out. Will it be sunny? Rainy? Windy? Not only does this affect what you should wear, but it can also inform how much personal belongings you’ll want to bring along (sunscreen will probably be at least one of those items), since there won’t be many storage facilities within the park itself.
Once you’re at the park itself, make sure to follow its rules regarding appropriate attire (no loose-fitting shorts or skirts) and behavior (no excessive running). These guidelines are in place for safety reasons—everyone wants fun times without injuries! And don’t forget sunscreen: a lot of people underestimate what the combination of sun exposure and sweat can do to skin over hours spent outdoors. By reapplying regularly throughout the day, especially after being in water rides or playing sports like basketball indoors, you’ll save yourself a lot of pain later on.
1. Pack a Bag
Preparing for a day at the amusement park can be a challenge, especially if you’re planning to ride roller coasters and other thrilling attractions. This guide will help you pack an effective bag based on my own experiences.
The first step is to prepare your bag. To help contain all your belongings, bring a backpack or something with multiple zippered pockets. I recommend bringing along a jacket, sunscreen, snacks and water, as well as any valuables (phones, wallets). Don’t bring anything valuable that you won’t mind losing, however—the rides are fun but full of opportunities for things to get lost or stolen. That said, keep your valuables close; it’s smart not to take them out unless you need them. Remember: don’t overpack! The idea is to have a lightweight bag that doesn’t weigh you down during the day. Also remember that the weather may change throughout the day—bring sunscreen even if the sun is out now! And finally: bring a bottle of water so you stay hydrated throughout the day!
2. Wear Comfortable Shoes
From the comfort of your recliner, sitting with a beer in hand and munching on popcorn, you may be inclined to scoff at those who opt for comfortable shoes for amusement park goers. “Those people are crazy,” you might say. A better memory serves: how worn-out and sore your feet may be after standing in line an entire day, or how unbalanced you feel when trying to walk up a steep hill while supporting 50 pounds of kids and bags.
In short? Wear comfortable shoes that are good for what you’re doing. And if you’re going to be walking a lot or standing still for long periods of time, wear supportive shoes—you should also have some sort of back support as well as ankle support that will keep your legs from getting cramps.
3. Remember Sunblock!
Editor’s note : Sunblock is one of the more important items in your traveling gear arsenal. It serves three primary purposes: to protect your skin from sunburn, to keep it moisturized and hydrated, and to prevent all manner of fungal infections (like athlete’s foot) and rashes (like poison ivy). If you’re heading out for a few days at an amusement park, do yourself a favor and make sure you have some!
4. Dress Appropriately for the Weather
It’s hard to have a bad time at an amusement park, but you can make your experience even better by dressing for the weather. While most parks have similar rules about keeping hydrated and wearing sunscreen, there are a few things to consider when choosing what to wear.
First of all, if it’s sunny, bring a hat and sunscreen. You’d be surprised how much it hurts to get sunburned in places that aren’t normally exposed—the ears are especially sensitive! Even if you’re only going for a couple hours, slap some SPF on your nose or wrists and put on a floppy hat for the rides.
If you’re planning to go swimming at an aquatic park, bring swim trunks or shorts so that you don’t have to walk around dripping wet all day. Don’t forget a towel! Make sure that whatever you wear is appropriate enough so that you’ll still feel comfortable leaving the park after everyone else has gotten dressed again. I’ve seen more than one unfortunate guy who had no other option but his swimwear as he was shuffling out of the last ride of the day with millions of screaming kids behind him. And yes, they did notice that he was wearing jeans underneath his bathing suit (which will never be worn again).
When it comes to warm weather, thin fabrics like linen or cotton will keep you cool without weighing you down with thick layers. When packing for cold weather visits though—yes, they happen sometimes in Florida—thick layers will do better as insulation from air-conditioning and chilly breezes than thin ones will; just make sure not to overheat once inside!
Amusement parks are fun during any season, but dress for comfort during yours!
5. Wear a Watch or Check the Park’s Website
Have you ever been to an amusement park and forgotten what time it was? If you’re like me, this happens all the time. On one occasion, I was so wrapped up in enjoying rides that I completely lost track of the day. It wasn’t until dark that I realized we had only a couple hours left before the park closed. Once my realization set in, panic ensued. We frantically ran from ride to ride, searching for something thrilling enough to make it on-time—but it was no use. By the time I reached our last stop on the roller coaster, there were only five people left in line and a whopping ten minutes left before closing time.
When planning your trip to an amusement park, it’s important to always know where you are. The best way to do this is by wearing a watch or checking their website at least once every few hours (you don’t want those precious moments of waiting in line go by without knowing how many more there are). In addition, finding out when special events are scheduled will help you optimally schedule your trip around them (if that’s your thing).
Surely these tips seem obvious and easy—but trust me: they’re not always followed when you’re having fun!
6. Consider Leaving the Following Items at Home
In addition to preparing your body for an outdoor adventure with sunscreen and comfortable shoes, it’s also important to dress appropriately. A bold, bright-colored shirt or jacket may look adorable during a day on the beach at the Jersey Shore, but in the wintertime it could easily be mistaken for a puffy coat worn by a mannequin.
To keep from looking like you’ve just spent your morning shopping at Old Navy and don’t mind being around people dressed as clowns, we recommend that you wear something fairly neutral in tone, whether that means wearing a black T-shirt under your jacket or bringing along a bag of scarves. In the summertime, this should be enough to make it clear that you’re not afraid of getting wet no matter how hot it gets. On days when the temperature is expected to dip below 40°F (5°C), it’s best to leave these items at home unless they’re very lightweight and can be layered without looking bulky.
If you’re visiting somewhere cold and are planning on visiting an amusement park or theme park while there, check ahead of time to see what kind of weather they expect while there; some parks will have their own specific recommendations on what you can bring along with you. Also know that if anyone around you looks like they have really bad allergies—and we mean really bad—it’s probably best to leave them alone so they can enjoy themselves without being bothered by people having stupid allergies all over their faces and bodies.
If you’re planning a visit to an amusement park, dress comfortably and plan ahead to make the most of your day.
Before you head out to the amusement park, you should have a few key items for an enjoyable visit.
Here’s what to wear:
- Weather appropriate clothing and shoes
- A comfortable pair of sun glasses
- Adequate water and snacks
- Money for food or merchandise, if you choose to buy these things at the park
Preparing for your day at the amusement park will help ensure that it is full of fun.
Here’s a list of things to bring with you on your visit:
- Blanket and/or towel. The ground will be hard and cold, and the mid-autumn weather is unpredictable. Taking a nap in the grass or letting your feet soak in the waterfalls are two great ways to spend time during your visit—this will make it much more enjoyable.
- Headphones or earplugs—depending on how sensitive you are to noise, either option can help prevent headaches from all the rides’ sounds.
- A jacket, or just something warm enough for any coolness that might come out of nowhere. Just like the ground, the air may feel a bit chilly at times. There is also nothing wrong with putting jackets in mini-machines for a few minutes after riding rollercoasters; this will get rid of any weird smells (not that there’s anything wrong with them).
- Stroller if you have kids, especially young ones who need to be carried around a lot or don’t want to walk all day long. This way they can sleep while being transported from ride to ride. Also useful if you’re traveling with elderly people who could use some extra support walking around all day long without getting tired.
- Snacks—it is almost impossible not to get hungry during an amusement park trip! Bring food both for yourself and anyone who needs one (for example children). They may get tired faster than when playing their favorite game on a phone back home! Besides, there aren’t many restaurants inside parks themselves so far as I know so it would be wise to buy everything before entering it…unless you want another excuse for going on rides!
That’s it! You now know everything you need to know about all of the different types of credit, and how they could potentially help you achieve your financial goals. Hopefully, by reading this guide and doing a little bit of research, you’ll find the best method for paying off debt or getting credit cards to earn travel rewards points. Whether your ultimate goal is to buy a vacation home or to start a business that will support your family for generations to come, there are many different ways to get there. It all comes down to knowing what options are available, doing some research and planning ahead, and making sure you’re taking advantage of every trick in the book—and not falling prey to scams along the way.
If you’ve gotten this far in the article, we have one final bit of advice: leave us a comment below! We’d love to hear if anything resonated with you while reading this article—if it did and if not, let us know why! Perhaps we can address any issues in future articles on so that our readers never have any questions or concerns when they’re looking at their finances.
Otherwise, thanks for reading!