Elf On The Shelf is such a fun tradition. It’s one of those things that has become so popular, it’s hard to believe that it didn’t exist until 2005.
Funny Elf On The Shelf Ideas
- The Elf on the Shelf Santa’s Little Helper
- The Elf on the Shelf That Lies About Santa
- The Elf on the Shelf Who Tried to Kill Santa
- The Elf on the Shelf That Got Drunk With Santa
- The Elf on the Shelf With a Criminal Record
The Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that has become a household name. Every year, parents all over the world have fun creating and displaying creative Elf on the Shelf ideas.
The Elf on the Shelf is a magical little sprite that comes to life at night. Kids love watching for him throughout the day. When he appears in different places, it’s a sure sign that Santa Claus is near!
Elf On The Shelf Ideas:
- Place an Elf on your bathroom mirror so it looks like he is getting ready for the big day!
- Use an empty tissue box as an elf home and place tissues inside with messages written on them.
- Make an elf out of construction paper and glue it to your wall using clothespins or sticky tack.
- Glue googly eyes to some candy canes (or other candy) and place them in various positions around your house or tree!
- Hide small toys around the house for your kids to find each morning when they wake up!
- Make an Elf on the Shelf costume by using white clothing items such as sweatshirts and sweatpants, then decorating them with sequins, beads or glitter!
You know Elf on the Shelf is the perfect holiday tradition for your family. You’re looking for ways to make it even more fun and festive.
Here are some of our favorite Elf on the Shelf ideas:
- The Elf on the Shelf Book Club
- Video Chat With Santa!
- Donate Toys to Kids in Need
- Pack Your Bags!
- Make a New Friend!
The Elf on the Shelf is a holiday tradition that has become increasingly popular over the years. The idea is simple: Santa sends an elf from the North Pole to watch over your kids and make sure they behave during the holidays.
The elf goes back and forth from the North Pole each night, reporting all of your kids’ good behavior to Santa in his report at the end of each day. If your child misbehaves, however, the elf will leave a mark on them or their belongings as a reminder of their bad behavior. The marks are often funny or scary, and they’re meant to encourage children to behave better so that they don’t get any more marks on them (or worse).
There are many different ways to incorporate this fun tradition into your family’s holiday season — from hiding it in random spots around the house to doing silly things like writing letters to Santa for him to read out loud when he comes down the chimney! Here are some funny ideas for how you can set up your own Elf on the Shelf:
1) Hide him/her in unexpected places throughout your home (and let them stay there for weeks!). For example, if you have a cat or dog that loves batting around toys and balls, try putting Elfie behind something
Elf on the Shelf Ideas
The Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that kids love, and parents can’t stand. It’s fun to watch your child stare at the elf, trying to find him in their room (and yes, sometimes even in their bathroom). Your kids will love looking for him every day.
But what if you’re tired of the same old thing? Here are some funny elf on the shelf ideas to spice things up:
- Put an elf in your dog’s bed!
- Give him a job as a lifeguard at the pool!
- Let him be a model for you when you’re taking photos for instagram!
- Stick an elf in a box and make it look like he was shipped from another country (but don’t tell anyone where he came from!).
The Elf on the Shelf is a great tradition to bring into your family. It’s fun, and it’s a great way to get your kids in the Christmas spirit.
There are so many ways you can use the elf. You can have him spy on your kids, or you can have him help them learn about Christmas. Here are some funny ideas that will help make your elf one of the most memorable ones ever!
- The Elf in the Manger
This one is pretty simple: just put the elf in a manger scene with other animals from around the stable like cows or sheep. You can also add some hay for extra effect!
- The Elf on the Bed
Put an alarm clock next to your bed and hide it under your pillow with an alarm set for when you want him to wake up (6am usually works best). Then wait until someone goes into the room and turns off their light before sneaking out of bed and hiding behind furniture while they’re still asleep! When they wake up they’ll see this hilarious sight and wonder how he got there!
- The Elf on Patrol
Have your elf patrol different rooms of your house at random times throughout each day (or