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Halloween is a time for costumes. It’s a time to let loose, be scary, and have fun! You can be anything you want on Halloween night. If you have a sibling who likes to dress up, consider some of these ideas for your brother or sister halloween costume:

easy costumes
If you’ve got a little one who’s not quite ready to go trick-or-treating with the big kids, then you’re in luck. There are plenty of costumes that are easy and fun for toddlers, and they’ll still look adorable! Here are some ideas:
- Gang or pirate. If your child is a little older and has an interest in this type of theme, there are plenty of choices. You can dress them up as a pirate, gang member or even a buccaneer! Just make sure he or she wears something comfortable that won’t restrict movement. A colorful alternative like this will make them feel like they’re part of the group without getting too hot during their adventure. Plus it’ll give mommy some peace of mind knowing that her precious babe doesn’t have anything sharp on them (she loves you).
- Funny costumes. Another idea would be dressing up as something funny such as spinach guy from Popeye cartoons (with little basket) or other silly characters from popular shows like SpongeBob SquarePants, Scooby Doo etc.. This could also work well if dad wants to try something different while still being able to participate in all the fun stuff going down at home instead of just sitting around watching TV all night long.”
you choose the pumpkin.
You can use a pumpkin as a costume, prop, decoration or centerpiece.
- Costumes: If you are dressing up as a pumpkin this Halloween, it is best to go with the classic look of Jack-O-Lanterns. In order for your outfit to be complete you will need orange pants (preferably ripped up) and an orange shirt that says “Happy Halloween” on it. You will also need a black wig that hangs down over one eye. Finally, find some black boots in your closet and paint them orange with glitter paint so they look like pumpkins!
- Props: Using pumpkins as props is easy! All you need is some green spray paint and some glittery marker pens so that when people walk by they think “Wow! They must have spent hours making those!” Once again, if someone asks how long it took just say “not long at all!”
super simple
You can make it fun and simple by using a colorful alternative to the traditional black and white.
If you’re having difficulty coming up with ideas, try grouping costumes together. For example, everyone in your family could be “gang” or “pirate.” You can even have your little sibling wear an adult-sized version of his costume for extra laughs.
Another idea is to look for funny costumes that are easy to put together! Just stick some toy swords or little skeletons on top of his head and he’s ready to go! You could also try scary vampire teeth—they don’t cost much at all but they’ll definitely make him look like a monster!
use a colorful alternative.
Siblings can be a blessing, but they can also be a curse. If you’ve ever had to deal with an older sibling who is trying to ruin your life (we all have), then this might be the perfect solution for you!
- Use a colorful alternative to a traditional costume. The best way to deal with an older sibling is take them out of the picture entirely, which is exactly what we did when we dressed up as twins.
Here are some other ideas for costumes that will keep the spotlight off of your sibling:
gang or pirate
If you’re looking for an off-the-wall Halloween costume idea, gang or pirate costumes are sure to satisfy. Not only are they fun and eye-catching, but they also provide an opportunity to let your creativity shine!
- Gang or Pirate Costumes: If you’ve ever dreamed of being in a gang but don’t want the trouble that comes with it, then this is the perfect way for you to live out your fantasy! Whether it’s a group of pirates on a ship or a street gang in the city, these costumes are sure to make any kid feel like a real-life badass.
- Gang or Pirate Costumes For Kids: Your child will be delighted when he sees his new costume! Don’t worry about buying anything expensive; there’s plenty available at reasonable prices online (and even some really cheap ones). Plus there are tons of options for both boys and girls—you’ll have no problem finding something that matches perfectly with their personality type!
- Gang or Pirate Costumes For Adults: Let’s face it: adults want cool things too! So why not treat yourself? There aren’t many occasions throughout the year where people get excited about dressing up as fictional characters who aren’t cats anymore… so take advantage while there’s still time left before Halloween arrives next week.”
funny costumes
Sometimes it can be hard to get your kids to come up with a unique costume idea. If you have a toddler or baby, they might not be able to have as much creative freedom when it comes to their costumes. Plus, we all know how hard it is finding the right costume for our kids!
Luckily, we’ve got some funny and easy options that will help inspire them! We have some great ideas that are perfect for any age group; whether you’re looking for funny costumes for toddlers or adults, these are sure to provide hours of entertainment and laughs among friends and family members alike.
little basket or top hat.
If you’re looking for a last-minute look, here’s an easy one: grab a basket and add a top hat. The best part is that you don’t have to be creative or purchase anything new—both of these items are easily found in your home! If you can’t find either item, just use any other similar prop (like a purse) and make your own top hat out of cardboard or paper.
Just think about how many times this season we’ve seen people dressed as Starbucks cups. It’s time for the people who love them so much to take their costumes to the next level by dressing up as actual Starbucks employees!
The only thing better than being an employee at Starbucks is dressing up like one!
toy swords
When you’re looking for a toy sword, there are a few options to consider:
- A fake sword. These can be found at most hobby stores, and they’re usually made of plastic or wood. They can be very affordable (often just ten bucks or less), but they tend to break easily and aren’t as sturdy as metal swords. If you have kids who aren’t super careful with their toys, then this option might not work out well for them—they’ll probably end up feeling frustrated when their sword breaks after only a few uses.
- A plastic sword with a plastic handle (or even worse: one with no handle). These are also pretty cheap, but again I’d advise against getting one if your kid has any destructive tendencies because it will most likely get destroyed as soon as he or she gets his/her hands on it! And then where will you be? Another thing to note is that some people find the idea of using real weapons inappropriate when dressing up like fictional characters like superheroes and villains; however, if that doesn’t bother you then by all means go ahead! It might add extra authenticity to your costume 🙂
little skeleton
The first step in making your little skeleton look is to get the right materials. You should use a black T-shirt and some black pants, but you’ll also need some white paint or fabric paint. To make this costume, you’re going to need a skull face that’s already on your shirt. The skull should be simple—a few lines will do—but it’s important that it looks like a skull and not something else (like an animal). Once you have the base of your little skeleton costume ready, it’s time for painting! Use whatever method works best for you: markers or paint. Once everything has dried completely, use markers or paint again if necessary so all parts are even in coloration. Lastly, draw eye sockets onto the front of each shoulder with either marker or paint; this detail gives the outfit its unique touch!
scary vampire teeth.
Vampire teeth are a must for any vampire costume.
You’ll also probably want some fake blood if possible–go ahead and pick up some bloodshot eyeshadow or use red liquid eyeliner around your eyes! Vampires tend not to blink much anyway because they’ve been dead so long their eyelids don’t work anymore…so maybe consider going without eyeliner? It doesn’t matter too much; just make sure those baby blues shine through with their radiance!
there are so many costume ideas for adults and kids to check out for your next brother or sister halloween costume
Don’t forget to check out the other sections of this website for more Halloween costume ideas! There are so many costume ideas for adults and kids to check out for your next brother or sister halloween costume!
You can find a million different options on our website, but here are some quick tips to get you started:
- If you’re dressing up as your sibling, try to come dressed as a character that’s close in age or at least as close in maturity level. You don’t want people thinking that one of you is much younger than the other.
- For example, if one of your siblings is 14 years old and spends most of their time watching Spongebob Squarepants while the other sibling is 20 years old and has an office job, they might not be able to pull off being each other’s twin—or even brother/sister twins. Instead of dressing as each other’s actual sibling during Halloween (which might make some people uncomfortable), it would probably be better if they took on characters from cartoons or movies where both characters have similar personalities without looking like exact copies of each other
I hope this blog post has helped you find a cute sibling halloween costume for your kids!