Before you even get out of bed, some of the products in your home are being sold to you. Whether it’s the alarm clock, the shower head or the toilet paper, there are plenty of things that are marketed to us on a daily basis.
Things To Stop Buying To Save Money
Luckily for you, there are plenty of things we can stop buying to save money. Here are just a few:
Alarm clocks
Toilet paper
Shower heads
Dryer sheets
The cost of living is rising every day. It’s hard to keep up with the increasing costs of food, rent, and other things we need to survive. It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and spend money you don’t have on things you don’t want.
If you’re trying to cut back on expenses, here are some things you should stop buying:
- Bottled water
- Alcoholic beverages
- Fast food or takeout meals
- Prepared coffee drinks (latte, cappuccino etc.)
- Bottled juices/smoothies/protein shakes
The days of being able to buy anything we want are over. We have to live within our means, which means making choices about what we buy and what we don’t.
Here are some things you should stop buying to save money:
Movies and TV shows: Unless you’re a movie buff, there’s no reason to pay for any movies or TV shows. Netflix and other streaming services have thousands of titles available for free, and if that’s not enough, there are plenty of ways to find them online without paying a dime.
Bottled water: Bottled water is extremely expensive compared with the cost of a filter and bottle, plus it has no nutritional value whatsoever. Instead, use your faucet water (it’s better tasting than bottled water anyway). You’ll save money in the long run and be healthier doing so!
Coffee at coffee shops: If you’re going to spend $4 on a cup of coffee every day, you may as well just pay $100 per month for premium coffee beans and make your own at home! Plus, it’s healthier than most coffee shop drinks because it won’t contain artificial sweeteners or preservatives like flavorings do. And did I mention it tastes way better?
In the age of Amazon Prime, it’s easy to assume that buying things online is cheaper than shopping at a physical store. But many times, you can find better deals by shopping offline.
Here are some items you should never buy online:
- Clothing
Clothing is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to paying too much money for products and services. Typically, clothing bought in a physical store will be $5 cheaper than the same item purchased from an online retailer. This is because most retailers pay more for rent and overhead costs, which means that they need to charge more for their products to make up for these expenses.
If you’re looking to save money on clothing, try shopping at stores like Target or Walmart instead of Amazon or other big retailers.
There are many things that we buy on a regular basis that we don’t need. These things can add up to a lot of money over the years. Below are some examples of things you can stop buying to save money:
Coffee at Starbucks or another coffee shop. It’s okay to treat yourself every now and then, but if you’re spending $5 on coffee every day, that’s $150 per month! If you buy coffee at home, it will cost about 50 cents per cup. If you get a Keurig or another single-cup coffee maker (which is what I have), it will cost even less than that!
Bread from the store. Bread is another item that can add up quickly if you’re not careful. I used to spend $6 per week on bread, which meant I was spending $84 per month! Now I make my own bread at home with this bread machine and it costs me pennies per loaf!
Alcoholic drinks at bars and restaurants. Alcoholic drinks can be expensive no matter where you go, but there are ways around this problem! You can either make your own alcohol at home (like beer or wine), or buy in bulk online — which will save you money in both cases!
Things To Stop Buying To Save Money
It’s easy to get caught up in the consumerism culture that our society has created, but it doesn’t mean you have to fall victim to it. There are plenty of things that you can stop buying to save money. Here are a few:
Stop buying bottled water
Stop paying for cable TV
Stop getting fast food
Stop buying designer clothes and shoes
Buying in bulk is a great way to save money, but not all products are good candidates for this savings strategy. Here are some things you should stop buying in bulk:
Plastic bags
Paper towels
Toilet paper
The cost of living is going up and up and up. This is especially true in New York City, where the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,500. And that doesn’t include utilities or groceries!
The problem is that most people don’t know how to save money. They don’t know how to cut corners and reduce their expenses in order to make their money go further.
But there are plenty of ways you can stop spending money on things you don’t need, and instead invest your hard-earned cash in things that will actually make your life better.
- Stop buying bottled water
- Stop buying coffee at Starbucks
- Stop buying bottled juice
- Stop buying fast food
- Stop paying for cable TV
If you want to save money, the first thing to do is stop spending it.
It’s a simple idea, but once you start thinking about it, you may be surprised by how much of your budget goes toward things that could be cut out completely.
Here are five things you should stop buying if you’re trying to save money.
- Starbucks
The average American spends $1,000 per year on coffee. That’s $50 per month! If you’re looking for a way to cut costs, try brewing your own at home or switching to cheaper options like McDonald’s McCafe or Dunkin’ Donuts. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save by doing so.
- Fast Food
Americans spend more than $100 billion each year on fast food — and that’s just what they spend in restaurants! We also buy plenty of fast food from convenience stores and grocery stores like 7-Eleven, which makes this one of the biggest expenses people have control over when it comes to their finances.
- Alcoholic Beverages
Americans spent an estimated $48 billion on alcoholic beverages in 2016 alone — and that was before alcohol was legalized in several states! While some people find value in spending
When you’re trying to save money, it can seem like every little purchase is a big deal. But there are some things that are just not worth buying. Here are 10 items you should stop buying immediately if you want to save money:
- Bottled water
- Bottled soda
- Coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts
- Snacks at the supermarket checkout counter
- Lunch from fast food restaurants or convenience stores
- Expensive cars and trucks (especially if they have high maintenance costs)
- Designer clothes and shoes (unless they’re essential to your work)
- Pay TV services (cable TV, satellite TV, etc.)
- Lottery tickets and scratch-off tickets (these are always a waste of money)
- Cigarettes