Middle school is a tough time for most students. There are so many changes going on, from moving into a new school to dealing with puberty and all its side effects. In addition to being emotionally volatile, middle school can be incredibly disorganized. From your homework assignments to your locker, it’s important that you stay organized in order to succeed academically and socially at this critical time in your life. If you want some tips for how best to organize yourself or help your kids get organized, read on!
Start with a clean room.
- Start with a clean room.
- Organize your closet.
- Organize your desk.
- Organize your bookshelves or bookcases, if you have any in the house. If not, consider purchasing them at an office supply store or from Amazon! They’re very affordable and easy to assemble—you won’t need any tools or nails!
- In addition to organizing your bookshelves (or lack thereof), organize the items on top of them too! Books can be so heavy on their own but when stacked one atop another they become even heavier—and not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well! So even if you don’t have any bookshelves in your house yet: do whatever it takes right now before moving onto step #5 (cleaning out).
Keep things in their place.
In order to keep things in their place, you’ll need to create a system. Here are some tips:
- Use a set place for each item. For example, keep all of your pens in one spot and all of your pencils in another spot. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for when you have a specific task that requires certain supplies.
- Keep things organized by activity rather than by category or type of item (e.g., “pens”, “pencils”). This approach makes it easier for students who have multiple activities going on at once, such as studying for tests while planning homework assignments or working on projects during class time. It also helps students avoid making piles that grow over time because everything is organized around an activity rather than individual types of items like pens or notebooks—which can easily become lost when piled up together!
- Make sure everyone knows how much time they should spend cleaning their rooms so there aren’t any arguments later down the line about whose turn it was last week (or even worse: whose turn should’ve been next week). Having this kind of structure built into every day’s routine will make life less stressful overall since there won’t be any disagreements over who did what job last month–each person will know exactly what work needs doing right now based on when they’re finished their other responsibilities…and how long each task takes them!
Be consistent.
Be consistent.
How to be more organized in middle school? The first step is to develop a consistent routine that works for you. A daily routine can help with organization, but it doesn’t have to be set in stone—change it as you need to! For example, if your morning routine involves making breakfast and getting dressed before heading out the door for school, try adding something like taking a short walk or reading some newspaper comics before you start getting ready. Or maybe your after-school routine involves straightening up your room first thing when you get home from school before doing any homework or chores (a great way of reducing stress). Whatever your preferred approach is, stick with it! A consistent schedule will help keep things organized.
Find out what works for you.
The most important thing to learn is how to adapt. If you’re a new student and have never been in this environment before, you’ll need to figure out what works for you as quickly as possible. You may not be used to sitting in a desk for hours at a time, or having to be quiet when others around you are talking.
You may also feel like everyone else knows what they’re doing and understands the rules better than you do. Don’t let that get you down! Asking questions and getting help from the teachers will only make things easier for both of us later on in the year (and beyond).
If there’s something that isn’t working out—if it seems like I’m having trouble focusing during class or if I’m constantly getting into trouble with my peers—I’ll need some extra support from my teacher so that we can work together toward finding a solution that works best for everyone involved.
Use different colors to mark due dates.
- Use different colors to mark due dates.
- If you’re struggling with organization, start by using different colors of pens or sticky notes to mark each task’s due date. This way, you can visually see which tasks are due in the next few days and which ones aren’t as urgent. It’s an easy way to keep track of what needs done now and what can wait until later on in your schedule.
- Another option is to use different colored folders or labels on your planner so that they’re easier for students to identify at a glance during class time—for example, red folders might signify tests and exams while yellow ones mean extra credit assignments!
Organization is key to success in middle and high school.
Organization is key to success in middle and high school. Being organized will help you be more efficient, productive and get more done throughout the day. In addition, organizing things that are important to you can make you feel less stressed and relaxed because it’s one less thing on your mind.
Organization can take many forms including:
- Scheduling – planning out how much time you want to spend on a project or activity so that you know how long it should take before starting it
- Color coding – using different colored folders for different subjects at school (e.g., green folder for math)
- Grouping similar items together (e.g., all pens go into one drawer)
The best way to stay organized is to find out what works for you. Once you have a system in place that fits your personality, it will be more likely for it to stick. Remember: consistency is key! Good luck and happy organizing!