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Dress for comfort
When it comes to choosing a school outfit, comfort is king. School days can be long, and if you’re feeling uncomfortable or self-conscious in your clothes, you’ll never make it to the end without giving up.
“But what about looking good?” you might ask. “I need to look good!”
You do not need to look good. You just need to feel good about yourself. If you’re wearing something that’s too tight or too short and suddenly five pounds heavier than you expected…if your shirt is see-through because of the weather and everyone can see your bra…if your shoes pinch because you didn’t try them on when you bought them…this will not make you feel better! It will only make things worse! Now everyone knows how fat/flat-chested/balding/poorly dressed that you are—but more importantly, YOU know this as well. Your clothes have made yourself feel like garbage on top of everything else! Even if no one else remarks on your appearance today (and there’s no guarantee that someone won’t), taking care of yourself is an essential part of being a successful person who can handle college life and beyond. Take the time to choose an outfit that fits your needs; taking care of yourself first enables others to take care of you as well.
Keep in mind the weather
It might seem like a frivolous task, but choosing the right school outfit can make a big difference in your comfort during the day. A combination of weather, temperature, and style can make or break an outfit—and it’s important to be mindful of all three factors when planning your school look.
A lot of parents struggle with back-to-school shopping for this very reason; finding something that matches their child’s style while also being appropriate for the season and temperature is no easy feat. When you’re picking out clothes, it’s important to consider what items you’ll need not just today, but every day of the week. While there are obviously exceptions depending on if you have gym class or not (or even what time of year it is), here are some general tips for keeping comfortable over the coming months:
If you like wearing tights with skirts or dresses in cold weather, bring along a second pair in case some days call for pants instead.
If you wear sneakers without socks and then slip them into rain boots at school in rainy season, bring along socks so that your shoes don’t get wet from sitting in them all morning!
It may sound obvious, but if it’s hot outside…don’t wear heavy layers! Make sure your clothing will wick away moisture and provide airflow around your skin so that you don’t overheat.
If it gets cold after school or before bedtime, don’t forget sweaters or jackets! You might already have one ready to go if they match multiple outfits throughout the week.
Be mindful of school policy
Your typical school outfit should be both comfortable and on-brand. No one needs to see you struggle into a pair of wrinkled dress pants on the first day of school or encounter a wardrobe malfunction while reaching for your binder. School outfits should be interesting without disturbing the learning environment; they should show respect to those around you. That’s why we’ve got some tips for helping you choose an outfit that makes you look good without testing your teacher’s patience:
#1: Consider what the weather will be like in the morning. If it’s cold, layer up with long sleeves and tank tops underneath a sweater or a cardigan to keep your arms covered if needed. If it’s warm, try shorts and a t-shirt instead of pants and make sure that your top is loose enough that you don’t find yourself having to adjust anything during class.
#2: Make sure that your clothes are clean and ironed before wearing them to class. You want everything about you to present well, even if no one ever sees it besides you in the mornings before school starts!
#3: Avoid colors that distract from learning, like bright yellow or neon pink shirts. Ideally, try wearing something simple and plain in neutral colors like black or grey—these colors won’t catch your classmates’ eyes or draw attention away from their work!
#4: There is never any reason to wear pajama pants in public (unless what’s under them is much more acceptable than pajama pants). While this advice may not apply as much once classes start, don’t wear these at all on lazy Sunday mornings—no matter how comfy they are!
Avoid fashion mistakes
When it comes to picking out clothes for school, there’s a lot that can go wrong. With so many potential choices available (and too many of them being the wrong ones), you might find yourself wondering how you’ll ever make a good choice. While some would-be fashion disasters are easy to recognize (e.g., ripped jeans), others may be more subtle, like a shirt that’s just slightly too short or an undershirt showing slightly above your outerwear. Fortunately, we’ve got 13 tips that will help you avoid these common mistakes and pick out clothes that will keep you looking sharp while still being comfortable—all while keeping your closet clutter-free and your bank account happy!
Dress to impress
When choosing an outfit in the morning, you may tend to put a lot of thought into the way it looks. However, if you’re going to school, it’s also important to consider how your outfit will make you feel—confident and excited about the day ahead? Or self-conscious and distracted? It all depends on how well you’ve chosen your clothing.
Marie Kondo’s tidying philosophy teaches that only having things around that bring joy makes for a stress-free home environment. Your clothes should be no different! With these 13 tips, you can increase the chances of picking an outfit that not only looks great but feels great too.
Pick clothes you can move in freely
I’ve been in the same school uniform for seven years now. It’s an ugly, unflattering grey sweater that I wear every day to school. I know what you’re thinking: her uniform is hideous! Why would she agree to wear it? The answer is because I like being comfortable around my friends and teachers, and I’m not one of those girls who goes to school looking like a ballerina or something.
That said, there are many other options out there besides the boring old uniform. You can try wearing different styled tops with your uniform. Or you can go for a new style altogether; try flannel shirts with your jumper underneath, or dress pants as opposed to leggings. Whatever you do, make sure that your outfit works for you and reflects your personality; if all of the other girls at your school look stylish and put together then it just won’t be right for you.
Pack backup clothing in your locker or bag.
Most of us want to look good while we’re in class, and that usually means pulling out the best outfit we have. Unfortunately, though, most of our school outfits are bought as part of a uniform or purchased when we were too young to know better (or maybe both). The problem is that these uniforms are just too restrictive! The rules they imposed on us only served to make us feel like we weren’t being ourselves—and now with our new-found choices, it turns out those uniforms really had a big impact on our lives.
Here are some words from the wise people at Style Rookie: “It used to be that if you wore khakis and a polo shirt for school, you lived your life as you wished and didn’t worry about differentiating yourself from the ‘norm.’ But then came all this rebellion against conformity. A lot of kids started wearing jeans and t-shirts at school because it was more fun than looking like everyone else. Then there was the whole ‘this is my style’ movement – which didn’t go over so well with schools.”
Good news – while uniform styles may seem strict now, they aren’t set in stone forever! As long as fashion trends continue to change, we can all make sure our clothes work for us by switching up how we dress every once in a while! If you’re not sure what types of clothes would work for you at your school, just ask your friends or teachers – they’ll be able to tell you what styles would work best for their situation!”
Make sure your undergarments don’t show through.
In the realm of school outfits, wearing a thong might seem like an obvious choice—the straps just hang out like they’re supposed to. But it’s not quite as simple as that. What many people don’t realize is that a thong is more than just a pair of briefs, and should be worn with enough coverage to cover your pubic hair. While some women are blessed with smooth, shaven skin around their genitals, others have some degree of hair growth there.
It’s good to wear seamless underwear so you don’t need to adjust anything when you exercise or go on vacation. The way some things work at Victoria’s Secret (and any other store), they offer something called “bra-and-panties” style underwear, but this will usually leave your privates exposed if you choose something too tight for the rest of your body. To make sure you have full coverage in this situation, do yourself a favor and grab a pair of reversible thongs—one side has a thin layer covering the genitals and the other doesn’t. You can easily change between the two without having to adjust anything and still look nice at school or after exercising.
Wear a well-fitting bra.
Since you’re reading this, the chances are high that you’ve experienced the discomfort of a poorly fitting bra. Maybe the straps dig into your shoulders or pinch your back. Or maybe your breasts are smooshed in places they shouldn’t be. At times like these, it can feel like nothing could be more uncomfortable than wearing a bra that doesn’t fit properly, but this isn’t true: if you wear an ill-fitting bra every day for years on end, many changes to your body will result.
For example, when breasts suffer from too little support or improper shaping throughout long stretches of time, they become damaged over time and may stop developing properly. When this happens and a woman wants to purchase new bras, she might find that her cup size has decreased—and it might not increase again after months of proper fitting. Her breasts have physically changed due to wearing ill-fitting bras!
With such drastic consequences at stake (not to mention the fact that poorly fitted bras are just plain uncomfortable), it’s important to take fit seriously when choosing a pair of underwear. If you’re unsure how to go about finding a well-fitted bra or if you’ve recently purchased one and want some tips on how to check its quality mid-week, there are two easy methods for making sure everything is copasetic with your undergarments:
The first method involves putting on the bra and standing in front of a mirror while reaching behind yourself with both hands. First look at the band (the part around your back) through each eye separately as you turn left and then right; if you notice any bulges in either direction (i.e., each side appears tighter around your back than the other), tighten or loosen whichever strap is causing this discrepancy until the excess fabric disappears behind your back. After checking both sides separately, do so together in order to ensure no bulges remain; even slight adjustments can make all the difference between comfort and pain!
What to wear on a school day
It’s not just the teachers who’ll notice your attire. You should also make sure that your uniform looks good. One of the most important parts of a school outfit is its color. More than anything else, a color can help draw people to you so that they will like you and want to be your friend. Colors are not only for clothes—they can be used for many things, such as paintings, interior design, music and even dance performances. In this article there are several tips on choosing a color that you should follow:
- Choose an accent color that makes your outfit more lively and vibrant. It should contrast in some way with the main color so as to improve its appeal.
- Choose a contrasting background color that compliments your main outfit or outfit’s design but would not look out of place on its own (like white). This is great because it allows you to have one less thing to worry about when deciding on an outfit!
- Make sure the overall theme of your clothing is suitable for school events and activities beforehand so as not to clash with other students’ outfits☝
What is appropriate to wear to school
Each of us has our own style, so it’s difficult to say what’s appropriate for school. But the following are generally considered the best looks for most types of schools:
- Polo shirts (especially one with a collar)
- Button-down shirts
- Skirts
- Khakis (jeans and shorts can be worn, as long as they’re not ill-fitting)
What bra should i wear to school
Underwire bras are a great option for providing support for your breasts, but they can be a challenge to wear. Underwires poke into your skin and can be uncomfortable, especially if they poke you in the armpit. Bras that are too tight can cause back problems. Bras that are too big may not fit properly, and bras that are too loose will go up and down with your chest size throughout the day—thus making it difficult to stay in place.
Thankfully, there’s another option: the seamless bra. Seamless bras don’t have any hard structures poking into your body. Instead, they’re simply two fabric-covered foam cups sewn together like an old-fashioned corset. This design is ideal for smaller cup sizes or those with less firm tissue due to breast tissue stretching during or after pregnancy (this is also why nursing bras tend to run small). Bra fit experts often recommend using an underwire as a starting point before moving onto a seamless bra because it provides better compression and stays put when you move throughout the day (you’ll also keep from getting poked in the armpit!).
You don’t have to wear a uniform, but you do have to dress appropriately for the school environment.
At some high schools, you might be allowed to wear whatever you want. However, it’s always a good idea to read the dress code before you commit to wearing anything. As a rule of thumb, wear something that makes you feel like a million bucks and not just like 10 cents.
When picking out your outfit for the day, make sure you pick out clothes and shoes that will make your clothing last longer by avoiding really rough and abrasive surfaces against your clothes/shoes.
Our favorite part of school is hanging out with friends during lunchtime or passing notes with our friends in class. Your clothing should be flexible enough so that you can do these things without feeling uncomfortable. If it’s too tight or itchy, then maybe that item isn’t right for the job even if it looks great now!